View into interview

Aloha amigos,

This morning I was suppose to revise my lectures on cardiovascular block but somehow my fingers feels like it need to check on my blog traffic. And so I did. I can see now my post on interview in USM have attracted some readers so I dedicated this post for those students who were looking some tips on medical school interview.

This is solely on my experiences and no , I did not plagiarize from any author whatsoever.

1.Dress to impress

They say first impression speaks a lot. Choose color that are not too bright neither too dark. Avoid color such as bright red, black, yellow . And avoid matching two colors that are blocking each other. Oh yes, for non muslims, if you intended on wearing skirt – wear something at least under your knee. Your skirt cannot be too short because it will appear a bit unprofessional. Also, put on little make up just to shine you. You are not getting married , don’t go overboard.

2. Find out some basic

I actually did not prepare this part at all , except for the very last minute where I overheard a group of people preparing stuff. On the day of my interview , they were discussing on who was the dean , who was the vice chancellor , the chancellor, why USM are labeled Apex . I think this was one necessary point you have to grab in any interview. You have to know what are you applying and who is it – the employer and the company itself. In this case, the course and the university itself.

3. Be confident

As much cliche as it sounds, this is actually really important. I still remember when I was asked “Explain the intergrated curriculum in USM?” . To be honest , I have no idea what was that. I went on speaking about things and subjects and that are related to it, but I have no clue on what was going on. I said to the interviewer ,”Medical student will go into two phase. The clinical and preclinical. You went for clinical in two years and preclinical in 3 years”. And I said it with confident.

As I walked out of that room, I realize how stupid I was. It turns out that we undergo pre-clinical for the first two years, and continue with clinical with the rest of 3 years. I messed up in organizing my words and I even got my fact wrong.

But hey, look at me now. I am already here in USM. I guess confident is key. Keep a good eye contact and speak gently , not too fast or too slow. Be polite and say thank you for the opportunity.

4. You are winner

Show them your very best quality. Some people came with a very marvelous background for example , winning the Sukma, grade 8 in violin , or went to international debate. If you have one, then don’t be shy and just sell yourself okay. But, don’t be cocky. If you don’t have such certificate then it’s okay. Everyone have a story to tell. Tell them your strength and what life experiences taught you. Tell them your passion and what are you looking forward for in the future. Show them that you are ambitious and you know how to achieve your target.


At the end of first semester

Whatever it is, as long as you want it- you are going to have it. I’m sure that some of you have more questions on interview or stuff. Feel free to comment or leave your email. I think I am going to end my post here. I was suppose to study , I have finals in a month and 144 topics to cover. phew.

Till I see you guys again.

Thank you.


5 thoughts on “View into interview

  1. MARIA RAZALI says:

    Assalam akak. alhamdulillah sy pun dapat iv medic usm ni. Akak. Kalau dia tanya why nak jadi doctor . Nak cakap apa ek ? Org cakap kalau nak cakap sbb nak tolong org cliche sgt. And satu lagi akak. Berapa org dapat iv ni and berapa org batch akak ? Thanks akak


  2. siti sarah says:

    salam akak, i also have no seniors to ask the unanswered questions in my mind. i really really hope you can help me. can you share with me whats the strongest reason that makes you choose medicine as your path? and what makes you keep going through the struggle? and if you have an idol who would it be? thanks for you help! 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Daniel says:

    Hi kak . I m going for interview soon . I m so nervous and I really really wanted to study medicine and only medicine. Please email me some guide . Thank you very much !!


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